
St. Peter Church Parish Picnic

Come and enjoy an afternoon of food and fun with your family at the St. Peter Church Parish Picnic! Hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments, drinks and paper products will be provided. Please bring a covered dish or food of choice to feed 12 people.

Date: Sunday, September 18, 2016
Time: 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Jim Wood Park

Please sign up as soon as possible, so that we know that all food supplies will be covered. Sign up sheets are located in the back of the Church. 

We are also in need of volunteers! Let us know if you are able to transport tables/chairs from St. Peter Church to Jim Wood Park and to return at the end of the day. We are also in need of volunteers to set and clean up.

Contact Kathy Donohue at 740-282-2584 or Paula Donohue at 740-275-8721 with any questions or if you are available to volunteer.