
The Saint Nicholas Children’s Choir

Please consider joining the Saint Nicholas Children’s Choir organized by the Confraternity of Saint Nicholas.

Who?  Children ages 7 to 16

Where?  Saint Peter Church:  425 North 4th Street; Steubenville

When?  Practice TBD to sing for the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas (12/6/2023)

Why?  For so many reasons but mainly that it is pleasing to God

How?  You will receive music to practice at the comfort of home and family until the date draws closer

For more information, please email Lissette Colón with subject line “St. Nick” at or text 740-346-8857.

“Oh, good Saint Nicholas, you, who through the power of God, resurrected three young boys and saved three young girls from prostitution, we beseech your intercession for all children who are the target of the devil even from before their birth.  Amen.”

Saint Nicholas, Pray for Us!