
Message from our Organist/ Choirmaster

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

In the coming weeks we will be introducing “new” musical settings of the Ordinary of Mass for use at the 10 & 8 o’clock Sunday Masses. After careful consideration, I have chosen chants from two well-known Masses published in the Gregorian Missal: Vatican Mass VIII (Missa de Angelis) and Mass XI (Missa Orbis Factor). The council of Vatican II reaffirms that, “The Church acknowledges Gregorian Chant as distinctive of the Roman liturgy; therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, §116). In an attempt to implicate authentic renewal of Sacred Music at our parish, and to follow the directive of Vatican II to enable the faithful, “To say or to sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass belonging to them” (SC §54), the Parish Choir will assist you in becoming familiar with these ancient musical treasures by performing them before Mass. In addition to this, worship-aids for use at Mass have been placed in the pews to ease the transition. Pope Pius X, in his motu proprio on Sacred Music, describes Gregorian Chant as the “supreme model” for all other sacred music to emulate. With this in mind, we endeavor to reintroduce this magnificent and beautiful music back into its rightful place in the liturgy.

When this reform is accomplished, our beloved Parish will be an exemplary model of the Catholic Church’s living liturgical tradition. Our community will be a paradigm of how to incorporate our ancient and unique liturgical traditions while embracing what is new. We will continue to lift our voices to God as one in the singing of our favorite hymns and spiritual songs at Mass. I look forward to the changes to come, and to rediscovering the riches of our Church’s musical heritage with you.

Many Blessings,

Andrew N. Barnick
Organist & Choirmaster
St. Peter Catholic Church